PARASITE (2020) Dolby Vision vs HDR coloring

Trying to compare the image of Dolby Vision vs HDR

So I tried to do some back and forth comparisons between the American 4K disc which has HDR and the Korean 4K disc with Dolby Vision to see if I could spot any differences. While both look INCREDIBLE…I have to say the Dolby Vision is overall a bit more pleasing to the eye for me personally. It looks to handle the light slightly better and blacks look more deep and contained. So when the sun is cast against a building, more color looks to be retained in the Dolby Vision before it gets washed out ever so gradually along the wall. I also spotted some differences in the actresses hair…I think. I tried to capture this crudely through my phone camera so I apologize for the lack of technology here but I think the differences might still be noticeable.

HDR – American 4K disc

PARASITE HDR vs Dolby Vision

DOLBY VISION – Korean 4K Disc

PARASITE Dolby Vision or HDR

Just from my eye in person I like the Dolby Vision better, it feels more comfortable to the eye which was my immediate reaction. But it could all be in my head too.


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Tyler is a passionate fan of East Asian cinema, especially South Korean films which he has followed closely for nearly two decades. He started one of the Pacific Northwest's first Korean Cinema Clubs out of the University of Idaho in 2004, where he also spent a year abroad studying Japanese at Nagasaki University of Foreign Languages. Since 2011, Tyler has been living and working in Seoul, South Korea as a freelance English teacher and writer. He also spent one year studying at Sogang University's well-known Korean Language program.
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